July 11, 2020

Its 2020 and Websites still don't use Schema Markups

Schema markups were introduced in 2011 as an attempt to help search engines understand websites better. A joint venture by Google,Bing,Yahoo and Yandex.

It's pretty obvious when you look at the facts. Most popular search engines of the world pulling their might to bring a web standard that will help understand websites better.

But yet We fail to adopt this standard.

There are over 130 trillion pages as of  2016 and a search engines job is to index and understand every one of them. Seasoned SEOs will know that a search engine requires a massive amount of computing power to update all these pages and process these pages to rank the best results for their consumers.
Terms like crawl frequency were created to help people understand that all websites are not equal.It's one aspect to provide updated, relevant and high quality content available for a search engine to find. Technical SEO is another ballgame where we don't make Search engines Jump through Hoops to index and rank our content.

With over 200 signals contributing to rank a webpage, you can understand why there these search engines came together to bring Schema markups.

What is Schema:

Schema markup is microdata that's included along with your website code that makes your website easy for a bot to read.  This markup isn't really that hard to implement, by 2015 around a third of the sites have already gotten around to it. By 2019  most searches that are question based end up with a rich snippet.

While Schema markup isn't going to guarantee rankings. Helping search engines understand your content better maybe what you'd need to put yourself above the your competitors.

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