Ever found yourself knee-deep in deployment issues, missing GTM tags, or URLs throwing 404s? Yeah, we've all been there. It's a pain, especially when you're trying to keep your marketing operations running smoothly. But don't worry; I've got a solution that will make your life a lot easier.
We're talking about a script that automates the checking of GTM IDs and URL statuses. This isn't just a simple script—it's a game-changer for anyone dealing with deployment-related issues. It runs periodically, logs any problems, colors the cells for quick identification, and sends out detailed email alerts. It's like having a watchdog that never sleeps.
Here's the script that will save your sanity:
// Constants
const EMAIL_RECIPIENTS = "your_email@example.com"; // Email recipients for alerts
const SHEET_NAME = "GTM Monitoring"; // Name of the Google Sheet where data is stored
const RECHECK_DELAY_MS = 30 * 60 * 1000; // Time delay for recheck in milliseconds (30 minutes)
// Function to perform the initial check of GTM status and URL status
function checkGTMStatus() {
// Get the sheet and data to process
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
const data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 7).getValues(); // Read data starting from row 2
const currentTime = new Date();
const istTimeString = getISTTimeString(currentTime); // Get the current time in IST
const lastRunTimes = Array(data.length).fill([istTimeString]); // Create a timestamp for the check
let recheckNeeded = false; // Flag to determine if a recheck is required
const notFoundUrls = []; // Store URLs with missing GTM IDs or errors
// Iterate through each row of data
const results = data.map((row, i) => {
const [url, gtmID] = row; // Extract URL and GTM ID from the row
if (!url || !gtmID) {
return ["N/A", "N/A"]; // Skip rows with missing data
const statusResult = checkGTM(url, gtmID); // Check the GTM status for the URL
if (statusResult.statusCode !== 200 || statusResult.status === "Not Found") {
recheckNeeded = true; // Mark as recheck needed if GTM is not found or there is an error
notFoundUrls.push([url, gtmID, statusResult.statusCode, statusResult.status, istTimeString]);
if (!row[6]) {
row[6] = istTimeString; // Log the first detection time for issues
return [statusResult.statusCode, statusResult.status];
// Update the sheet with the results
updateSheet(sheet, results, lastRunTimes, data);
formatResults(sheet, results); // Apply formatting for clarity
// Schedule a recheck if needed
if (recheckNeeded) {
Logger.log("First-level check failed. Recheck needed. Scheduling recheck in 30 minutes.");
deleteExistingTriggers('recheckGTMStatus'); // Ensure no duplicate triggers are created
ScriptApp.newTrigger('recheckGTMStatus').timeBased().after(RECHECK_DELAY_MS).create(); // Schedule the recheck
} else {
Logger.log("First-level check passed. No issues found.");
// Function to perform the recheck of GTM status and URL status
function recheckGTMStatus() {
// Get the sheet and data for rechecking
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
const data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 7).getValues(); // Read data starting from row 2
const currentTime = new Date();
const istTimeString = getISTTimeString(currentTime); // Get the current time in IST
const lastRunTimes = Array(data.length).fill([istTimeString]); // Create a timestamp for the recheck
const notFoundUrls = []; // Store URLs with missing GTM IDs or errors
// Iterate through each row of data for recheck
const recheckResults = data.map((row, i) => {
const [url, gtmID] = row; // Extract URL and GTM ID from the row
if (!url || !gtmID) {
return ["N/A"]; // Skip rows with missing data
const statusResult = checkGTM(url, gtmID); // Check the GTM status for the URL
if (statusResult.statusCode !== 200 || statusResult.status === "Not Found") {
notFoundUrls.push([url, gtmID, statusResult.statusCode, statusResult.status, istTimeString]);
if (!row[6]) {
row[6] = istTimeString; // Log the first detection time for issues
return [statusResult.status];
// Update the sheet with the recheck results
updateRecheckSheet(sheet, recheckResults, lastRunTimes, data);
formatResults(sheet, recheckResults, 5); // Apply formatting for clarity
// Send an email alert if issues are found
if (notFoundUrls.length > 0) {
Logger.log("Recheck confirmed missing GTM IDs or URLs returning non-200 status. Sending alert email.");
Logger.log("Recheck completed.");
// Function to check the GTM ID presence in the URL
function checkGTM(url, gtmID) {
try {
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { muteHttpExceptions: true }); // Fetch the URL content
const statusCode = response.getResponseCode(); // Get the HTTP status code
if (statusCode === 200) {
const content = response.getContentText(); // Get the content of the page
const regex = new RegExp(`\\b${gtmID}\\b`, 'g'); // Create a regex to match the GTM ID
const found = regex.test(content); // Check if the GTM ID is found in the content
Logger.log(`Checked ${url} - GTM ID ${found ? "Found" : "Not Found"}`);
return { status: found ? "Found" : "Not Found", statusCode: statusCode };
return { status: "Error", statusCode: statusCode };
} catch (error) {
Logger.log(`Error fetching ${url}: ${error}`);
return { status: "Error", statusCode: "N/A" };
// Function to send an email alert for issues found
function sendEmailAlert(notFoundUrls) {
// Iterate through the issues and send an email for each
notFoundUrls.forEach(([url, gtmID, statusCode, status, firstDetected]) => {
const subject = `Alert: ${url} - GTM ID Missing or URL Status Issue`;
const body = `The following issue was detected:\n\nURL: ${url}\nGTM ID: ${gtmID}\nHTTP Status Code: ${statusCode}\nGTM Status: ${status}\nFirst Detected: ${firstDetected}\n\n`;
MailApp.sendEmail(EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, subject, body); // Send the email
// Function to format the results in the sheet
function formatResults(sheet, results, statusCodeCol = 3, gtmStatusCol = 4) {
const statusCodes = results.map(result => [result[0]]); // Extract status codes
const gtmResults = results.map(result => [result[1]]); // Extract GTM statuses
const rangeStatusCodes = sheet.getRange(2, statusCodeCol, statusCodes.length, 1); // Define the range for status codes
const rangeGtmResults = sheet.getRange(2, gtmStatusCol, gtmResults.length, 1); // Define the range for GTM results
// Reset formatting to default for the defined ranges
// Apply new formatting based on the results
results.forEach((result, i) => {
const statusCodeCell = rangeStatusCodes.getCell(i + 1, 1);
const gtmResultCell = rangeGtmResults.getCell(i + 1, 1);
// Format for HTTP status code
if (result[0] === 200) {
} else if (result[0] !== "N/A") {
// Format for GTM status
if (result[1] === "Found") {
} else if (result[1] !== "N/A") {
// Function to convert current time to IST string
function getISTTimeString(currentTime) {
return new Date(currentTime.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: "Asia/Kolkata" })).toString(); // Convert to IST time
// Function to update the sheet with the initial check results
function updateSheet(sheet, results, lastRunTimes, data) {
const statusCodes = results.map(result => [result[0]]); // Extract status codes
const gtmResults = results.map(result => [result[1]]); // Extract GTM statuses
sheet.getRange(2, 3, statusCodes.length, 1).setValues(statusCodes); // Update status codes column
sheet.getRange(2, 4, gtmResults.length, 1).setValues(gtmResults); // Update GTM statuses column
sheet.getRange(2, 6, lastRunTimes.length, 1).setValues(lastRunTimes); // Update last run times column
sheet.getRange(2, 7, data.length, 1).setValues(data.map(row => [row[6]])); // Update first detection column
// Function to update the sheet with the recheck results
function updateRecheckSheet(sheet, recheckResults, lastRunTimes, data) {
sheet.getRange(2, 5, recheckResults.length, 1).setValues(recheckResults); // Update recheck results column
sheet.getRange(2, 6, lastRunTimes.length, 1).setValues(lastRunTimes); // Update last run times column
sheet.getRange(2, 7, data.length, 1).setValues(data.map(row => [row[6]])); // Update first detection column
// Function to delete existing triggers for a specific function
function deleteExistingTriggers(functionName) {
const triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers(); // Get all triggers in the project
triggers.forEach(trigger => {
if (trigger.getHandlerFunction() === functionName) {
ScriptApp.deleteTrigger(trigger); // Delete the trigger matching the function name
First, create a new Google Sheet and name it something relevant, like “GTM Monitoring”. Then set up your sheet like this:
• Column A: URL
• Column B: GTM ID
• Column C: HTTP Status Code
• Column D: GTM Status
• Column E: Recheck Status
• Column F: Last Run Time
• Column G: First Detected
Fill Column A with the URLs you want to monitor.
Fill Column B with the corresponding GTM IDs.
To make sure the script runs automatically, you’ll need to set up time-driven triggers:
1. Open Apps Script Editor:
• Go to your Google Sheet.
• Click on Extensions > Apps Script.
2. Add a Trigger:
• In the Apps Script Editor, click on the clock icon (Triggers) in the left sidebar.
• Click on + Add Trigger.
• Select checkGTMStatus from the function dropdown.
• Choose a time-based trigger (e.g., run every hour, day, etc.).
• Click Save.
This will ensure that the script runs at your specified intervals, checking for any issues and sending out alerts.
With this script in place, you’ll have a reliable system for monitoring your GTM tags and URL statuses. No more manual checks or missed errors. This solution keeps your marketing operations running smoothly, freeing you up to focus on what really matters.
Try it out, and let me know how it works for you. Happy monitoring!